We may encounter many defeats, but we must not be defeated.
Maya Angelou


Providing our community members with high quality, client focused Employment Services, that enables our team to take a personalized approach in supporting and guiding our clients through informed career and training transitions.

Youth Employment & Skills Strategy

New Service Canada youth programming available in Drumheller and surrounding areas.

Eligible clients will be provided with an assessment of their current skills, strengths, and abilities, as well as being assisted to create a guided action plan that will create the future you want. You can receive a wide range of Employment Services tailored to meet your individual goals from developing a new resume, to interview preparation. The YESS program also offers funded Employment Skills Training Workshops that are designed with the individual's needs in mind. Some of the beneficial topics will include how to conduct an innovative job search in our current labour market using innovative technologies, creating effective goal setting plans, effective stress management strategies, and confidence enhancing activities.

The YESS participant can also receive direct job placement assistance to obtain full-time employment through a Quality Employment Placement and Employment Skills Training Placement and be funded equivalent to minimum wage (with the potential of earning additional income based upon skill levels). There is also ongoing workplace coaching and mentorship opportunities available to enhance your placement success.

To top everything off, the YESS program offers a multitude of financial supports to the eligible participant that may include employment related expenses for clothing and equipment required by your employer, childcare expenses, emergency health supports, and assistance with travel expenses. Program elements also include long-term follow-up support which involves assistance with employer/employee mediation and one on one support for on-going life management.

Basic eligibility criteria to qualify for the program include:

  • Canadian citizen or permanent resident
  • Legally entitled to work in Canada
  • Available for paid full time work for 12 weeks
  • Between the ages of 15-30

Funded by the Government of Canada's Youth Employment and Skills Strategy

Opportunities Now

**Funded by the Government of Canada's Opportunities Fund**

The Opportunities Now program provides people with disabilities the opportunity to gain skills while employed and offsets the costs of training for employers! Funds available for students, unemployed or under-employed individuals and there is a new provision available for career advancement of existing employees! Employers are also assisted with understanding the benefits of hiring and upskilling persons with disabilities including coaching, mediations services and tools to retain staff.

Participant wages can be funded for up to 15-20 hours per week for up to 12 weeks. Funds are available to support participants in training and educational pursuits, mileage reimbursement to and from work/training, childcare costs, and costs of work supplies and required clothing items.

Employment Services:

  • Access to career testing, resource materials, and labour market information
  • Career and education research assistance
  • Resume creation and updating regardless of your previous job experience or educational background
  • Job search and interview skills
  • Knowledge and resources to assist with disability accommodations in subsidized work placements
  • Access to Computer, Internet, Resources Materials, Printing, Faxing, and Telephone

Program Eligibility:

  • Legally entitled to work in Canada
  • Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident
  • Not receiving Employment Insurance (EI)
  • Identify as having any for of disability, including mental health issues

Funded by the Government of Canada's Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities program.

One-on-One Employment Services

Having difficulty finding work? Wanting to take your job search to the next level?

Whether you’re in need of second set of eyes to look at your resume or an enthusiastic coach to keep you motivated, MH Enterprises can help! Employers! We can help you too! Our current program allows us to provide referrals directly to you, at no cost! Find the perfect addition to your team, with our expertise and guidance.

One-on-One Employment Services is a government-funded program which provides comprehensive and individualized services to assist both job seekers and employers in rural communities.  We help job seekers gain the skills and knowledge to seamlessly transition back into the labour market via meaningful connections to local area employers.

Program Services Include:

  • Guided support services for job seekers
  • Comprehensive support with resume and cover letters
  • Motivation and support about how to effectively job search
  • Explanation on how to use the skills you have to access the hidden job market
  • Insight and education about current labour market trends
  • Education and instruction on the use of Innovative Technologies to perform your job search
  • Personalized assistance in developing better interview skills
  • Supportive career counselling and life coaching
  • Funded Training Courses
  • Direct Job Placement Services – we can market you directly to an employer
  • Ongoing Job Maintenance Support after you have connected to your new employment opportunity

Ongoing services provided from June 15, 2020 – May 31, 2025

If you would like more information, or want to see if this program will fit your needs, stop by our office or call us at (403) 823-6934. We want to see you!

The Province of Alberta is working in partnership with the Government of Canada to provide employment support programs and services

Transition to Employment Services and Workplace Training Hybrid

Transition to Employment Service and Workplace Training is for unemployed Albertans in Central Alberta rural communities including Drumheller, Stettler and Three Hills.

Transition to Employment Services provides comprehensive and individualized services that enable individuals to acquire workplace and occupation related skills that will facilitate their rapid attachment or re-attachment to the labour market. Within this program there may be assistance with Short Courses, as well as Employment Readiness Support to acquire necessary items for work.

Workplace Training connects unemployed Albertans to employers through On-the-Job Training or Paid Work Experience. The program enables unemployed Albertans to acquire essential and occupation-related skills required in the local labour market, better enabling them to find and maintain employment. Workplace Training is an individual-centered program where decisions are made to best support the needs of the individual. The intent is also to provide incremental training and work experience that would not otherwise occur. Employers are selected based on their ability to provide On-the-Job training or to facilitate the Paid Work Experience component and to provide ongoing employment once the Workplace Training contract is completed.

The Province of Alberta is working in partnership with the Government of Canada to provide employment support programs and services.

Job Seekers & Employers

Job Seekers

We offer career advice and researching employment opportunities to job seekers in the following ways:

  • Facilitating job search skills (resume writing and interview techniques)
  • Offering a variety of career assessments/testing to assist with career exploration which includes one on one work with a career counsellor
  • Determining and matching an individuals employability skills with available employment opportunities
  • Your Employment Specialist will work together with you to review the employment opportunities, ensure you have the skills, experience and interest to meet the needs of the job
  • An Employment Specialist is available to you to introduce our Programs and Services
  • Job Boards - Our Job Boards post full-time, part-time, casual, and on-going employment
  • Registered clients have access to hidden job market opportunities
  • Access to computers with FREE Internet and printer usage. Assistance is available to everyone needing help with the available computers and printer
  • The Employment Assistant, if needed, assist registered clients to access Microsoft Office programs or Internet resources. This can include, but is not limited to: filling out application forms, resume and cover letter preparation, internet research etc.


We offer Employers the following:

  • Access to our job board both in our office and on our website
  • Job maintenance and mediation
  • Assisting with and developing recruitment and retention plans
  • Office space to conduct interviews
  • Access to qualified candidates
  • Connecting you with valuable community resources

Our funding Partners: